A Year of New Directions

This past year has been one of exploration...

... a bold step away from the familiar territory of my landscape and nature paintings in an attempt to break new ground in my artistic process by experimenting with a variety of materials, techniques, approaches, and just allowing the inspiration to take me where it may.  I committed to few shows this past year in order to simply give myself the freedom to create without pressure.  The result has been completely liberating and exciting and has ultimately culminated in a body of work I call my "Transformations" series

 I look forward to my very first exhibition dedicated solely to this new work, at the Riverdale Artwalk, in Toronto, June 2-3.

{{    -- For those of you who look forward to seeing more of my land, sea and nature paintings, this departure from that body of work has actually renewed my appreciation for it. I do intend to continue to create pieces in both directions. Please stay tuned and contact me at any time regarding those pieces.    }}

My Transformations series is an evolving body of work that so far represents a spectrum of ideas and approaches, with the unifying theme being

~ abstraction - flow - colour - depth - light ~


Below is a sampling of what I have created this past year.

On the softer, lighter side of the spectrum, my ink and acrylic paintings have an ethereal, watery quality.  Layers of ink interchange with layers of acrylic paint to create delicate folds shrouded with softening veils that add to a sense of depth. These pieces are peaceful yet lively:


In contrast, my fluid paint and resin series lean toward contrast and bold-yet-complimentary colour combinations to add a pop of colour to any wall...


transformations series 12 no 1 framed (2).jpg

 Link here to view more Transformations paintings

I would love to share this new work with you!  I will be at the Riverdale Artwalk, June 2-3,  an outdoor art fair featuring more than 100 talented artists. 

Please join us!



Many Thanks,

- Rachel